vitamins - for the sake of your body.

Posted by stanley | 10:06 AM

vitamins are of diversified purposes for the human body. Do you know which vitamin you need?
Vitamin A can be found in: spinach; carrots; milk; eggs; apricots; nectarines; cantaloupe and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin B is found in : citrus fruit; green leafy vegetables; eggs; whole grains; poultry; seafood; peas or beans; and dairy products.
Vitamin C can be found in: cabbage; tomatoes; broccoli; citrus fruit; strawberries; and cantaloupe.
Vitamin D is found in : seafood; dairy products; and egg yolks.
Vitamin E is found in : sardines; nuts; wheat germ; green vegetables; whole grains; and egg yolks
Vitamin K can be found in : liver; pork; green leafy vegetables; and dairy products.
Benefits from Vitamins:
Vitamin A -helps your eyes at night. Seeing in color is another purpose Vitamin A offers.
Vitamin B - Provides necessary energy and protein for the body.
Vitamin C- Helps in the healing process.
Vitamin D - Provides excellent bone growth.
Vitamin E- Is very important to the tissues found in your liver; skin; and eyes.
Vitamin K - Helps in clotting blood.
The body can do many things to repair itself, but it can't reproduce vitamins. Every part of the body needs some sort of vitamin. In order to stay healthy, everyone should eat from the basic four food group.
Your body burns vitamins up in regular activity. This is why eating the correct foods are so important. A lack of vitamins can cause you to have many different feelings or illness.
If everyone ate the proper food, doctors would see less patients on a daily basic. Incorrect eating is the leading cause of obesity and diabetes. Both of these are serious health conditions. Heart trouble can also be contributed to unhealthy eating.
When the human body is in crisis, it gives off signals to warn you. Humans need to pay close attention to warning signs. The majority of symptoms can be reduced with proper eating. If you become puzzled about the way you feel, stop and think back to what you ate before you had that occurrence. Chances are you over ate the wrong food, and now you have to face the consequences.
Think of the goals you have set for yourself and eat accordingly, so you can live to reach those goals. A vitamin a day can help you reach your lifetime goals. Stay healthy! Take your vitamins daily. Vitamins are inexpensive and don't require a prescription from your doctor. Whether you are an adult or child , you will benefit from taking vitamins daily.

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